1. General information about primary liver cancer in adults
2. Types of primary liver cancer in adults.
3. Risk factors for liver cancer
4. Signs and symptoms of primary liver cancer in adults
5. Tests for the diagnosis of primary liver cancer in adults.
6. Several factors affect prognosis (chance of recovery) and treatment options.
7. Stages of primary liver cancer in adults
8. Ways of spreading liver cancer body by three
9. Treatment options for primary liver cancer in adults
10. Treatment of recurrent primary liver cancer in adults
1. General information about primary liver cancer in adults
Primary liver cancer in adults is a disease in which malignant (cancerous) cells form in the tissues of the liver.
There are two types of primary liver cancer in adults.
Having hepatitis or cirrhosis can affect the risk of primary liver cancer in adults.
Signs and symptoms of primary liver cancer in adults include swelling or pain on the right side.
Tests that examine the liver and blood are used to detect (detect) and diagnose primary liver cancer in adults.
Several factors affect prognosis (chance of recovery) and treatment options.
Primary liver cancer in adults is a disease in which malignant (cancerous) cells form in the tissues of the liver.
Liver is one of the largest organs in the body. It has two share and fills in the top right side belly inside the chest. Three of the many important functions of the liver:
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Anatomy of the liver. The liver is located in the upper abdomen, next to the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, and pancreas. The liver has a right lobe and a left lobe. Each lobe is divided into two parts (not shown).
2. Types of primary liver cancer in adults.
Two types of primary liver cancer in adults are:
Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer). (To receive additional information see Summary PDQ on treating bile duct cancer (cholangiocarcinoma) ...
The most common type of primary liver cancer in adults is hepatocellular carcinoma. This type of liver cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death worldwide.
This is a summary of the treatment primary liver cancer ( cancer, which starts in the liver). This summary does not cover the treatment of cancer that starts elsewhere in the body and spreads to the liver.
Primary liver cancer can occur in both adults and children. However, treatment for children is different from that for adults. (For more information, see the PDQ summary on treatment of liver cancer in children).
3. Risk factors for liver cancer
Having hepatitis or cirrhosis can affect the risk of primary liver cancer in adults.
Anything that increases the likelihood of a disease is called risk factor ... Having a risk factor does not mean you will get sick cancer ; the absence of risk factors does not mean that you will not get cancer. Talk to your doctor if you think you are at risk liver cancer ...
Liver cancer risk factors include the following:
Having hepatitis B or hepatitis C infections ... Having both hepatitis B and hepatitis C further increases the risk.
Having cirrhosis ...
Drinking strong alcohol ... Alcohol abuse and hepatitis B infection further increase the risk.
Eating foods containing aflatoxin (I fungus, which can grow on foods such as grains and nuts that have not been stored properly).
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) condition, in which fat accumulates in liver and can progress to inflammation liver and damage cells liver.
Use tobacco e.g. smoking cigarettes ...
The presence of certain hereditary or rare diseases that damage the liver, including the following:
Glycogen storage disease , a hereditary disorder in which problems arise with how the form glucose (sugar) called glycogen is stored and used in the body.
Late cutaneous porphyria is a rare condition that affects the skin and causes painful blisters on parts of the body exposed to the sun, such as hands, arms and face. Liver problems can also occur.
Wilson's disease - a rare hereditary disease in which the body accumulates more copper than it needs. Additional copper is stored in the liver, brain , eyes and others bodies ...
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency - hereditary disease that can cause liver disease and lungs ...
Hereditary hemochromatosis - hereditary disease in which the body accumulates more gland, than he needs. The extra iron is mainly stored in the liver, heart, pancreas , skin and joints ...
Old age is a major risk factor for most cancers. The likelihood of developing cancer increases with age.
4. Signs and symptoms of primary liver cancer in adults
Signs and symptoms of primary liver cancer in adults include swelling or pain on the right side.
These and others signs and symptoms can be caused by primary liver cancer in adults or other conditions. Check with your doctor if you have any of the following:
A hard lump on the right side just below the ribcage.
Discomfort in the upper abdomen on the right side.
Pain near the right shoulder blades or in the back.
Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes).
Easy bruising or bleeding.
Unusual tiredness or weakness.
Loss appetite or feeling full after eating a small meal.
Losing weight for an unknown reason.
Pale, chalky chair and dark urine.
Fever ...
5. Tests for the diagnosis of primary liver cancer in adults.
Tests that examine the liver and blood are used to detect and diagnose primary liver cancer in adults.
The following tests and procedures can be used:
Medical checkup and anamnesis : A body exam to check for general signs of health, including checking for signs of illness such as lumps or anything else that seems unusual. There will also be a history of the patient's health habits, as well as past illnesses and treatments.
Serum tumor markers test : a procedure in which a blood sample is examined to measure the amount of certain substances that enter the bloodstream of the organs, fabrics or tumor cells in the body. Certain substances are associated with certain types of cancer when they are found in high amounts in the blood. These are the so -called tumor markers ... Elevated level alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) in the blood may be a sign of liver cancer. Other cancers and some benign diseases, including cirrhosis and hepatitis, can also increase AFP levels. Sometimes AFP levels remain normal even in liver cancer.
Liver function tests : A procedure in which a blood sample is tested to measure the amount of certain substances that enter the bloodstream by the liver. A higher than usual amount of the substance may be a sign of liver cancer.
CT scan (computed tomography): A procedure in which a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body, such as the abdomen, are taken from different angles. Pictures were taken by a computer connected to x-ray apparatus. Dye may be introduced in vein or swallow so that organs and tissues are seen more clearly. This procedure is also called computed tomography, computed tomography, or computed axial tomography. Images can be taken up to three times after dye is injected to get the best possible image of abnormal areas in the liver. This is called a three-phase CT. Spiral or spiral CT scanning takes a series of highly detailed images of areas inside the body using an X-ray machine that scans the body in a spiral.
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging): a procedure that uses a magnet, radio waves and a computer to create a series of detailed images of areas inside the body, such as the liver. This procedure is also called nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). To create detailed images blood vessels in the liver and next to it, a dye is injected into a vein. This procedure is called MRA (magnetic resonance imaging angiography ). After dye injection, images can be taken at three different time periods to obtain the best possible image of abnormal liver areas. This is called a three-phase MRI.
Ultrasonic research: a procedure in which high energy sound waves (ultrasound) are reflected from internal tissues or organs and create an echo. The echo forms a pattern of body tissue called sonogram ... The picture can be printed to view later.
Biopsy : removal of cells or tissues to pathologist could see them under microscope to check for signs of cancer. The procedures used to collect a sample of cells or tissues include the following:
Fine needle aspiration biopsy : removal of cells, tissue or liquids using a fine needle.
Core needle biopsy : Removal of cells or tissue with a slightly wider needle.
Laparoscopy : surgical a procedure to examine the internal organs of the abdominal cavity for signs of illness. The lining of the abdominal cavity is made small incisions (cuts), and one of the cuts is inserted laparoscope (thin tube with illumination). Another instrument is inserted through the same or a different incision to remove tissue samples.
A biopsy is not always necessary for diagnostics primary liver cancer in adults.
6. Several factors affect prognosis (chance of recovery) and treatment options.
Forecast (chance convalescence ) and treatment options depend on the following conditions:
The stage of the cancer (the size of the tumor, whether it affects part or all of the liver, or has spread to other places in the body).
How well the liver works.
The patient's general health, including the presence of cirrhosis of the liver.
7. Stages of primary liver cancer in adults
After adults are diagnosed with primary liver cancer, tests are done to see if the cancer cells have spread to the liver or to other parts of the body.
Cancer spreads through the body in three ways.
Cancer can spread from where it originated to other parts of the body.
The Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer Staging System can be used to stage primary liver cancer in adults.
The following groups are used for treatment planning.
BCLC stages 0, A and B
BCLC stages C and D
After adults are diagnosed with primary liver cancer, tests are done to see if the cancer cells have spread to the liver or to other parts of the body.
The process used to determine if it has spread crayfish in liver or to other parts of the body is called staging ... Information Collected in the Identification Process stages, defines stage diseases. It is important to know the stage in order to plan treatment. During the preparation process, the following tests and procedures can be used:
CT scan (computed tomography): a procedure in which a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body, such as the chest, are taken, stomach and pelvis shot from different angles. Pictures were taken by a computer connected to x-ray apparatus. Dye may be introduced in vein or swallowed to help organs or fabrics show more clearly. This procedure is also called computed tomography, computed tomography, or computed axial tomography.
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging): a procedure that uses a magnet, radio waves and a computer to create a series of detailed images of areas within the body. This procedure is also called nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
PET scan (positron emission tomography): search procedure malignant tumor cells in the body. A small amount is injected into the vein radioactive glucose (Sahara). Scanner The PET spins around the body and takes a snapshot of where glucose is being used in the body. Malignant tumor cells appear brighter in the image because they are more active and consume more glucose than normal cells.
8. Ways of spreading liver cancer body by three
Cancer can spread through fabrics , lymphatic system and blood :
Textile. Cancer spreads from where it originated to surrounding areas.
The lymphatic system. Cancer spreads from where it originated to the lymphatic system. Cancer is spreading through lymphatic vessels to other parts of the body.
Blood. Cancer spreads from where it originated into the bloodstream. Cancer is spreading through blood vessels to other parts of the body.
Cancer can spread from where it originated to other parts of the body.
When cancer spreads to another part of the body, it is called metastasis ... Cancer cells break away from the place where they arose ( primary tumor ), and move through the lymphatic system or blood.
The lymphatic system. Cancer enters the lymphatic system, travels through the lymphatic vessels and forms tumor ( metastatic swelling) in another part of the body.
Blood. Cancer enters the bloodstream, travels through the blood vessels, and forms a tumor (metastatic tumor) in another part of the body.
A metastatic tumor is the same type of cancer as the primary tumor. For example, if the primary liver cancer spreads on lungs , the cancer cells in the lungs are actually liver cancer cells. The disease is metastatic liver cancer, not lung cancer.
9. Treatment options for primary liver cancer in adults
Stage 0, A, and B primary liver cancer in adults
Treatment primary liver cancer in adults stages 0, A, and B may include the following:
Observation per defeats less than 1 centimeters ...
Partial hepatectomy ...
Total hepatectomy and transplantation liver ...
Stages C and D Primary liver cancer in adults
Treatment primary liver cancer in adults stages C and D may include the following:
Embolizing therapy by one of the following methods:
Transarterial embolization (TAE).
Transarterial chemoembolization (TACHE).
Immunotherapy ...
Clinical research on targeted therapy after chemoembolization or in combination with chemotherapy ...
Clinical trials of new drugs targeted therapy.
Clinical trials of immunotherapy.
Clinical trials of immunotherapy in combination with targeted therapy.
Clinical trials stereotactic body radiation therapy or radiation therapy protons ...
10. Treatment of recurrent primary liver cancer in adults
Treatment options recurrent primary liver cancer in adults may include the following:
Total hepatectomy and transplantation liver ...
Partial hepatectomy ...
Transarterial chemoembolization and targeted therapy with sorafenib , in palliative care for relax symptoms and improvements quality of life ...
Clinical research a new method of treatment.
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